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The Contemporary Ecology resources have been produced by two Bachelor of Science students from Deakin University in collaboration with scientists and education academics for the ReMSTEP project.
These resources are aligned with the Australian and Victorian Curriculum's level 9 biological sciences strand.
  • Ecosystems consist of communities of interdependent organisms and abiotic components of the environment; matter and energy flow through these systems


Effort has been made to ensure these resources reflect the contemporary science in a relevant and engaging manner for all students. Cross curriculum priorities including Sustainability are tied in alongside Science Inquiry Skills and Science as a Human Endeavour. Adjustments could also be made to bring a focus on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures.

Prof Don Driscoll

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Professor Don Driscoll is an accomplished ecology academic, specialising in a vast range of areas concerning conservation and biodiversity across landscapes. He is a Professor in Terrestrial Ecology as well as the Director for the Centre for Integrative Ecology at Deakin University. He is also the President of the Ecological Society of Australia and Associate editor for the Journal of Applied Ecology and Austral Ecology. Prof Driscoll possesses a wealth of knowledge and passion for the conservation of native species and environments. Thanks to him, we have been able to use his research to create this resource to help inspire and educate students on the importance of human and landscape relationships.

Dr Peta White

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Dr Peta White is a passionate environmental science educator at Deakin University with an extraordinary career. She has worked in numerous roles within the education sector from secondary teacher, to curriculum consultant, to tertiary educator. She has been a member and activist for various organisations around the world as a part of contributions to the community. Her research is diverse, incorporating many components of science education, pedagogy and assessment. Dr White is responsible for the ReMSTEP contemporary science project at Deakin University as part of a Science Community Project. Her dedication to the progress and development of this site has been invaluable.

Madeleine Graham &Amy Miles

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Madeleine Graham and Amy Miles are undergraduate Science students at Deakin University. They created this website and its resources for the unit SLE352: Community Science Project as part of their degree over one trimester.

Madeleine is also undergoing a Bachelor of Teaching with the goal of becoming a secondary science and mathematics teacher at the completion of her degree in 2018.

Amy is also completing a Bachelor of Arts, majoring in Drama. She intends on commencing her Masters of Teaching in 2018 to become a secondary mathematics and drama teacher.

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Meet the Team

2018 by Madeleine Graham & Amy Miles, Deakin University, for the ReMSTEP Project 

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