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Dear Teachers,


Thank you for using the Contemporary Ecology site. This page contains suggestions on how to design your lessons for part of the Australian year 9/10 ecology sequence.






These resources can also be adapted to suit the prior knowledge for students in year 7 to tie in with curriculum point 'interactions between organisms, including the effects of human activities can be represented by food chains and food webs (ACSSU112)'. Connections are made with prior learning including exploring interactions between organisms such as predator/prey, parasites, competitors, pollinators and disease. As well as constructing, interpreting and recognising relationships between species in food webs.


If you have any questions or comments, please use the contact link at the bottom of the page.

Case Study 1:

Urban Development Impacting Forest Mammals

Australia's increasing population means that the demand for housing is accelerating. As more houses are being built there is growing concern for the conservation of biodiversity. 


Research has been conducted on how housing impacts on four species of forest- dwelling mammals. This case study helps us understand how some species may respond to different types of urban development. 

Case Study 2:

Reptile movement in Agricultural Landscapes

Agriculture is a growing industry in Australia due to the ever increasing demand for food. Unfortunately this industry requires large areas of land. 


This research is focused on a species of arboreal gecko. Land clearing for agriculture effects the survival of gecko's. How can pastures and crops be managed so that gecko's can still move through the land? 

2018 by Madeleine Graham & Amy Miles, Deakin University, for the ReMSTEP Project 

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